Under Construction

Hey everyone! So I've had this blog for a while but haven't really used/promoted it much. However, that's all about to change. I am officially going to switch from xanga to blogger today! All my xanga posts are on facebook anyways.

Part of the reason I'm switching is because I'm a sucker for peer pressure and my friend Truman told me to. Besides, no one is on xanga anymore anyways. And just like everything else I do that my friends do, in about two months they will lose interest and then I will be the only one still on here. Just watch it happen.

This has happened with many things, but video games are the best example. "Hey Bill, buy Battlefield II, it's so fun! Everyone's playing it." Two weeks later... "Hey Bill, buy counterstrike, it's sweet!" Two weeks later... "Hey Bill, buy Team Fortress II, it's way better than counterstrike and Battlefield." So then I have all this crap that I used for two weeks and then no one played with me anymore. Probably about half the games I own are because my friends told me they were fun and to buy them and then my friends lost interest shortly after and I was stuck with these stupid games.

Hopefully it isn't the same with this blog. I'll start promoting it through youtube and maybe, just maybe, enough people will read it to motivate me to continue writing on it. For now though, this site is a work in progress, because I need to update the layout and color scheme because in my opinion it looks like crap right now. It's so not billgrip.


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