Due to my new video entitled "Let's Connect", I am hoping to get some readers to this blog. And I thought it would be informative of me to let you guys know what I'm doing these days. I actually want to avoid doing a blog that is all about my personal life on this site, because I already have one of those somewhere else.
But regardless, I have taken the plunge (beginning with the title) and here is the typical "my life" blog.
Back in May, my wife and I moved out to a Bible camp, about 2 1/2 hours away from where we both lived our whole lives. That's not too far away, but it's still been quite an adjustment to not be around everyone we know. This Tuesday, summer camp ends and Lindsay and I officially take over the media program at this camp for a 1-year internship. After the internship, we will have to do some praying to see if we will stay here longer or not.
It's crazy how fast this past summer went...it was all kind-of a blur to me. Some cool stuff happened, but nothing that exciting. I've been running 3 miles per day consistently, I finished reading my Bible (the whole thing), I saw a bunch of people get married, I adjusted to being married myself. It was a good summer overall, and my entire life has been good overall as well.
I'm excited for fall, the fall colors, the dry crisp air, and FOOTBALL! I'm a huge football fan, and growing up in Nebraska I have to be a fan of the Nebraska Cornhuskers or I'll get tarred and feathered. But also, I love the NFL, mostly because of fantasy football, so I'm excited for that.
GO HUSKERS!! (see below)
Lindsay and I are going on vacation to Minn
eapolis Minnesota next week to visit her sister who lives up there. I love road-tripping, and I love being with my wife, so I know it will be a fun trip. I'll get to see the mall of America and who knows what else. Maybe I'll even make a video for my extras channel while I'm up there.

That's all I have for now.
lol, just kidding.
yeah, my summer was about the same, nothing too exciting, but I got a few small things accomplished.
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