Now I am not opposed to the idea of dressing up, being choked to death by a tie, and being scared silly that I'm going to spill something on my nice clothes (heaven forbid that would ever happen to me). No, those things don't bother me at all. In fact, I am an advocate of formal occasions, but only in moderation.
The food was good. The talking didn't go on for too long. In fact, I did enjoy myself. The only problem I really have with formal events, my only real complaint, is PICTURES. Holy crap, everyone and their mom (literally) brings along their digital camera and has to take a picture of themselves with every single person and their mom (literally) who is at the event.
The first 50 pictures I can live with, but it's the 700 after that that get a little annoying. I still see the flash, 3 hours later. Literally, there is a big white spot in the center of my eyes and that always gives me a migraine. So I have a migraine and all I really remember when it comes down to it from the night is bright lights. How do famous people deal with the paparazzi? I'd punch them in the face all the time. Or carry around a weapon.
So my point is, formal events are okay, but we don't need to treat them like they are the most amazing thing life has to offer and take a picture every single second we are there and with every single person and their mom.
But hey, I did look good. And my wife looked better : )
Ah yes.


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