Recently I took a little personality test called "Strengths Finder 2.0" It's basically a glorified personality test. This test will actually cost you money. However, I did not have to pay because Maranatha paid for me to take it so that they could better know how to work with me. They do that for all their new long-term type employees.
Now this test literally helped me to understand myself in ways that I never had before. The test will tell you your top 5 strengths, but that doesn't mean that you are only limited to those strengths, it is simply the ones you display most often.
Your strengths can also be your weaknesses if not used properly. However, if used properly, you have the potential to pretty much be amazing. So here are my top five strengths along with a brief definition (written by me).
1. Communication. This one is pretty obvious. Communicators generally communicate well, through both speaking and writing. Communicators are especially good if they are well-prepared. But sometimes we would rather speak when we should be listening...
2. Competition. It doesn't matter if it is a quick round of Halo with friends, a wrestling match, or fantasy football...people with competition play to win. To a strong competitor, life is a game, and coming in 2nd is never good enough. However, the downside is competitors will often avoid "games" or situations where they feel they might "lose." Or, if you don't really care about something (like school or work) you will most likely accept mediocrity. The trick is making everything a "game" and striving to "win" in all your tasks, without being so over the top that you make everyone around you sick of your competitiveness.
3. Activator. Activators are always asking "When can we start?" You find the go button and you press it. Activators are also good at motivating others around them motivated to complete a task. (For instance with me when I convince all my friends to act ridiculous in my videos). However, sometimes activators are quick to jump in head first without checking for water. But, if used properly, an activator has the potential to be a great leader, and to accomplish great things. An activator must be interested and believe in what they are doing to really be motivated to accomplish.
4. Strategy. You need a plan, or else you feel that you may fail. Planning is essential to reach success for the strategist. A strategist wants to consider all sides. Sometimes strategists can over-think.
(note that Activator and Strategy are perceived as near opposites. However, they are both very true in my life. I have found difficulty recognizing and balancing this conflict. It is the conflict that sometimes I feel the activator pushing me and making me want to accomplish, but the strategy in me is like the brakes, which kills the activator...this excites me- the challenge to find the balance, almost like a game...they contradict each other, but if used properly, they compliment each other)
5. W.O.O. This stands for Winning Others Over. This strength is only displayed in about 4% of the population. There is such a wide-variety of uses for it. It is not only is this the ability to persuade if need be, but it is also the desire to have many friends. Woo-ers are generally good at first impressions, and are good at being friends with everyone. A woo-er is good at finding connections with others, or ways to relate, and because of that a woo-er can be very helpful in solving conflict. There is much more to W.O.O. but I don't know how to summarize all of it.
So those are my strengths, like them or leave them. As with everything in life, the key is balance. Finding a way to use the positives of these strengths without abusing them so as to induce the negative aspects. I view them almost as undeveloped powers, like the characters from the TV show "Heroes" way back in season one (back when it was good). I'm very excited about all this, and I've been spending a lot of time lately thinking of ways to develop my "powers" for more effective use, and also how to work them all together for success.
I wrote all this for two reasons. 1. I am a communicator, and I love writing. And 2. I want to challenge others to either take this test, or to look at their own lives and see the strengths that God has given them, and to find ways to use them more effectively. It is very fun and interesting, and you'll learn a lot about yourself!
One trimester down, two to go.
I grew up with one sibling. She was 5 years younger than me. I don't remember my mom being pregnant, but I do remember the night she was born. It was a horrible thunderstorm and I spent the night at a baby-sitters house. Next thing I know I have a little sister. My parents never asked me to help change her diaper (luckily, ewe gross) or anything like that. And every time I held her she started balling.
Needless to say, I like most fathers to be, feel completely unprepared.First of all, I know nothing about pregnancy. And the more I find out about birth the less I want to know. Children are either afraid of me or mystified by me...nothing in-between. But in-spite of all that, I am more excited for all of this than I can describe, even though it automatically makes me an old guy.
So the first trimester is done, and so far Lindsay and I are blessed to have a baby that is, by all accounts of our doctor, growing normal and completely healthy. I realize my wife will read this, so I hope she won't be offended when I say that the toughest change for me has been some hormonal changes in her. We all know that women are hormonal, but pregnant women...well, look out :) But in all seriousness, it is a change, but not that bad.
There is a mounting list of difficulties she faces and will face beyond the hormonal changes I just mentioned, but you can go to a pregnancy website and read about those if you really want to. And in case you missed the video about all this stuff, here it is. And if you watched it and felt like watching it again, here it is again!
I love food a little too much
A lot of you might be able to relate to this problem I have. I love food. Just a little too much. I keep gaining weight, and it makes me so angry that I get fatter yet I look back on my choices for food and it should be no mystery to me why I gain weight. It doesn't help because I work hard in a dining hall to serve guest groups at Maranatha Bible Camp, and we serve them great food that I also get to eat. Plus I always start the day wrong because I cannot make myself diet in the mornings because I wake up so hungry.
Let's look at today for example.
Breakfast: Six peices of French Toast. Cup of french vanilla cappuccino. Remember what I said about no self-control in the mornings? Yeah, I wasn't kidding.
Lunch: Two plates of pasta with mozerella cheese melted on top. Followed by 1 1/2 peices of chocolate cake.
Then I had a mountain dew.
Supper: Two plates of corn, chicken, and rice. Desert- two pieces of ice cream cake.
It seems as though I am rapidly heading downward into the life of the obese. I do exercise...usually I run 3 1/2 miles 3 or 4 times per week. But even so, I love food so much that I still gain weight.
So what is the point of all this? Why would I write this on a public internet blog? Because I know I can do better. I have done better. I was a wrestler once, I know what it is like to be in tip-top shape with 7 percent body fat or less. I want to get back to that. What made me able to succeed in wresting as opposed to now? I had a coach, I had accountability. Therefore, if I could re-create a similar situation somehow, I know I could still do it. The Lord wasn't overly-giving to me in the self-control area, however I do have a natural desire not to let people down.
By writing all of this on a public blog, I am essentially committing myself to doing better with my love of food. I don't know who all will read this, and quite frankly I don't need to know. But I know you did read it, and that is enough. Just to know that by eating crappy food and not exercising I am letting someone down other than myself is hopefully enough to make me change. Because obviously I can deal with letting myself down...I have been for the past few years in this area.
But it's time to put a stop to this before I wake up one day and realize that I'm a big fat guy. Thank you for reading this. I will do better. I won't let you down. I will post again sometime soon and let you know what I am doing differently.
Sleep Fail.
2:00AM. I've been laying in bed for a long time now, my eyes have been closed...but I still haven't slept. Maybe I'm anxious about something tomorrow. A million things are running through my head. Hopefully I'll fall asleep soon.
3:00AM. Why am I not asleep yet? I hope this isn't one of those sleepless nights. Maybe I should get up and go do something- settle myself down a bit. I have a homework assignment due tomorrow, I'm worried about getting that done. If that's done I'll surely be able to sleep.
4:00AM. Homework is done, I even took a shower. Why is my heart still racing? I had an energy drink today and some Mountain Dew. That was stupid, but I'll crash soon. I just wish my mind would shut-down and shut-up.
5:00AM. I'm angry now. What's worse is I have to go to work in 3 hours! If I only sleep for 3 hours I'll be really tired tomorrow and unable to stay focused at work! Okay, calm down...breathe in breathe out. You can't sleep because you are stressed, that's it. You are just stressing out about work tomorrow. Three hours of sleep is enough. Oh, you're still talking to yourself in your head.
6:00AM. The sun is going to rise soon. This is ridiculous! (punches bed) Focus. Sleep. If I keep my eyes closed and don't move or think I will fall asleep, there's no other option. How do I fall asleep ever? It isn't that hard. I shouldn't have to think about it. The only problem is, I'm still thinking about it.
6:30AM. I give up. I'm going to work early.
9:13AM. I wish I were asleep right now. On a positive note, I'm enjoying some Owl City at the moment.
Temporary insomnia sucks!
Thoughts and Stuff
Right now I'm sitting in a coffee shop listening to some live music. I got my macbook out and I'm blogging. If you didn't know me personally and my style, you'd probably assume I'm some trendy hipster that wears tight pants and eyeliner.
But neigh, I'm just a relatively normal guy who has a day off when his wife doesn't. Typically my wife would be here with me, but our schedule just wasn't in sync this week like it normally is. So I have the day to myself. I'm planning on going disc golfing once it warms up a bit, and then I might go real golfing this afternoon. We'll see.
So lately I've been in this sort of complacent state spiritually and just in life in general. I've just been going through the motions. Hard to believe considering I work at a Bible camp and Christianity is so thick in the air that you could cut it with a butter knife. Last night I started to read A.W. Tozer's "The Pursuit of God." In his book he talks about how we, the modern day Christian, have allowed ourselves to become so distracted by these meaningless earthly things when we are supposed to hunger and thirst for God. It's hard to follow at times I must admit, he uses lot's of big words I don't understand and in succession, however, I believe that by the time I finish reading this book whenever that will be that I will be better off.
I posted a new youtube video yesterday, which is good and great, but I've been slightly frustrated lately that some portions of my audience have seemed to put my videos in a box after the Lag in Real Life and expect me to produce video after video that are as good as and similar to that video. Back in the day when I used to be a gamer I may have considered doing such a thing but now that I don't even own a gaming console it is hard for me to connect as well with the gaming demographic. The style my channel follows is "variety" which means that if you subscribe you shouldn't expect one type of video consistently, and just because I made one great gaming video doesn't mean I can just like that produce 50 more that are equally as great. It takes time and lots of good ideas, but mostly time, because I have good ideas.
Anywho, football season is in full swing which makes me happy. So far I am 3-1 in my fantasy leagues combined...a record that I believe will only improve. The huskers lost to Virginia Tech on a last minute mistake, but in my opinion as well as most who saw that game, Nebraska was the better team. We will have many more chances this season to prove ourselves, so I suppose I just have to move on.
The wife and I are doing well at camp, we have to work a lot of weekends taking care of groups and stuff, but that's okay, because it's all for the service of the Lord. Nothing else too exciting is going on in my life so it would be to our advantage (me, and you the reader) for me to wrap this up.
Solo Deo Gloria
But neigh, I'm just a relatively normal guy who has a day off when his wife doesn't. Typically my wife would be here with me, but our schedule just wasn't in sync this week like it normally is. So I have the day to myself. I'm planning on going disc golfing once it warms up a bit, and then I might go real golfing this afternoon. We'll see.
So lately I've been in this sort of complacent state spiritually and just in life in general. I've just been going through the motions. Hard to believe considering I work at a Bible camp and Christianity is so thick in the air that you could cut it with a butter knife. Last night I started to read A.W. Tozer's "The Pursuit of God." In his book he talks about how we, the modern day Christian, have allowed ourselves to become so distracted by these meaningless earthly things when we are supposed to hunger and thirst for God. It's hard to follow at times I must admit, he uses lot's of big words I don't understand and in succession, however, I believe that by the time I finish reading this book whenever that will be that I will be better off.
I posted a new youtube video yesterday, which is good and great, but I've been slightly frustrated lately that some portions of my audience have seemed to put my videos in a box after the Lag in Real Life and expect me to produce video after video that are as good as and similar to that video. Back in the day when I used to be a gamer I may have considered doing such a thing but now that I don't even own a gaming console it is hard for me to connect as well with the gaming demographic. The style my channel follows is "variety" which means that if you subscribe you shouldn't expect one type of video consistently, and just because I made one great gaming video doesn't mean I can just like that produce 50 more that are equally as great. It takes time and lots of good ideas, but mostly time, because I have good ideas.
Anywho, football season is in full swing which makes me happy. So far I am 3-1 in my fantasy leagues combined...a record that I believe will only improve. The huskers lost to Virginia Tech on a last minute mistake, but in my opinion as well as most who saw that game, Nebraska was the better team. We will have many more chances this season to prove ourselves, so I suppose I just have to move on.
The wife and I are doing well at camp, we have to work a lot of weekends taking care of groups and stuff, but that's okay, because it's all for the service of the Lord. Nothing else too exciting is going on in my life so it would be to our advantage (me, and you the reader) for me to wrap this up.
Solo Deo Gloria
Bloggidy Blog Blogger
I haven't written a new blog in almost a month. Considering I promoted this thing in a video and now on my new banner, I think I am somewhat obligated to update it every so often, don't you think? Even if I only have 5 followers. W/e.
Some friends are coming out to visit me this weekend, and I'm real excited for that. In theory, we will make new videos for the billgrip channel. In theory. It will be nice to have a break though, because I haven't had a day off for almost two weeks. Today is just a half day.
NFL football starts tonight, and that means fantasy football begins as well. Now for those of you who don't care about NFL football or fantasy football, well you are simply missing out. I must say that there is no greater sport to be a fan of.
Ah poo, I better be going to work. This was the lamest blog entry of all time. Hopefully next time I'll have something intriguing. Sorry I wasted your time.
Some friends are coming out to visit me this weekend, and I'm real excited for that. In theory, we will make new videos for the billgrip channel. In theory. It will be nice to have a break though, because I haven't had a day off for almost two weeks. Today is just a half day.
NFL football starts tonight, and that means fantasy football begins as well. Now for those of you who don't care about NFL football or fantasy football, well you are simply missing out. I must say that there is no greater sport to be a fan of.
Ah poo, I better be going to work. This was the lamest blog entry of all time. Hopefully next time I'll have something intriguing. Sorry I wasted your time.
the dumbest thing ever to be frustrated about
I have been slightly frustrated lately, and it is stupid.
You see I have this problem of not being content with what I have, and sometimes that can cause some problems. Also, I have a problem of trying to find meaning by having a small level of fame on the internet, which is dumb because I know that there are much greater things I should be finding my happiness in.
But I'd like to complain for just a second about something- again, something I probably shouldn't be complaining about. (Deep breath) we go.
At my last check, I have 1878 subscribers on my youtube page. Now that isn't as many as some people, but I know a lot of people who would love to have that many. And while it is nice to have that many, I am discovering more and more that very few of them actually watch my videos. Most of my support and views are local. I have facebook group where I e-mail about 400 people when I get a new video. I post my videos to facebook and twitter. I do whatever else I can to promote them...but that's just smart marketing.
However, I did an experiment with my last video- "Let's Connect" to see what would happen if I didn't do any of that stuff, just to see how many of my subscribers actually watch my videos. The results have been very disappointing, as that video after 1 week still has less than 400 views. I would honestly rather have my subscriber count around 400 and know that they are all watching than close to 2000 and see that hardly any of them watch, it does nothing.
And then, here is my second part of frustration- 400 people watched "Let's Connect" and I have 5 followers on this blog. I have 9 followers on dailybooth. I only gained about 10 followers on twitter because of that video. Are you serious? That means out of my 400 subscribers that watch my videos, only about 10 of them actually care. So really I have 10 subscribers. So really any thought I ever had about me, billgrip, being a more well known person on the internet than johnny somebody with 25 subscribers is a lie.
Lag in Real Life got over 100,000 views, and that's great. The only problem is apparently my subscribers are all 13-17 year old boy gamers. So the only way I'll be able to reach them is if I make videos about video games. I don't even like video games that much anymore, I don't even own an x-box. Grrr, all so frustrating. Maybe I should just start over on youtube...
You see I have this problem of not being content with what I have, and sometimes that can cause some problems. Also, I have a problem of trying to find meaning by having a small level of fame on the internet, which is dumb because I know that there are much greater things I should be finding my happiness in.
But I'd like to complain for just a second about something- again, something I probably shouldn't be complaining about. (Deep breath) we go.
At my last check, I have 1878 subscribers on my youtube page. Now that isn't as many as some people, but I know a lot of people who would love to have that many. And while it is nice to have that many, I am discovering more and more that very few of them actually watch my videos. Most of my support and views are local. I have facebook group where I e-mail about 400 people when I get a new video. I post my videos to facebook and twitter. I do whatever else I can to promote them...but that's just smart marketing.
However, I did an experiment with my last video- "Let's Connect" to see what would happen if I didn't do any of that stuff, just to see how many of my subscribers actually watch my videos. The results have been very disappointing, as that video after 1 week still has less than 400 views. I would honestly rather have my subscriber count around 400 and know that they are all watching than close to 2000 and see that hardly any of them watch, it does nothing.
And then, here is my second part of frustration- 400 people watched "Let's Connect" and I have 5 followers on this blog. I have 9 followers on dailybooth. I only gained about 10 followers on twitter because of that video. Are you serious? That means out of my 400 subscribers that watch my videos, only about 10 of them actually care. So really I have 10 subscribers. So really any thought I ever had about me, billgrip, being a more well known person on the internet than johnny somebody with 25 subscribers is a lie.
Lag in Real Life got over 100,000 views, and that's great. The only problem is apparently my subscribers are all 13-17 year old boy gamers. So the only way I'll be able to reach them is if I make videos about video games. I don't even like video games that much anymore, I don't even own an x-box. Grrr, all so frustrating. Maybe I should just start over on youtube...
Formal Events
Tonight we had a staff banquet for the 2009 Maranatha Summer staff...because tomorrow the summer staff leaves. It was a formal event.
Now I am not opposed to the idea of dressing up, being choked to death by a tie, and being scared silly that I'm going to spill something on my nice clothes (heaven forbid that would ever happen to me). No, those things don't bother me at all. In fact, I am an advocate of formal occasions, but only in moderation.
The food was good. The talking didn't go on for too long. In fact, I did enjoy myself. The only problem I really have with formal events, my only real complaint, is PICTURES. Holy crap, everyone and their mom (literally) brings along their digital camera and has to take a picture of themselves with every single person and their mom (literally) who is at the event.
The first 50 pictures I can live with, but it's the 700 after that that get a little annoying. I still see the flash, 3 hours later. Literally, there is a big white spot in the center of my eyes and that always gives me a migraine. So I have a migraine and all I really remember when it comes down to it from the night is bright lights. How do famous people deal with the paparazzi? I'd punch them in the face all the time. Or carry around a weapon.
So my point is, formal events are okay, but we don't need to treat them like they are the most amazing thing life has to offer and take a picture every single second we are there and with every single person and their mom.
But hey, I did look good. And my wife looked better : )
Ah yes.
Now I am not opposed to the idea of dressing up, being choked to death by a tie, and being scared silly that I'm going to spill something on my nice clothes (heaven forbid that would ever happen to me). No, those things don't bother me at all. In fact, I am an advocate of formal occasions, but only in moderation.
The food was good. The talking didn't go on for too long. In fact, I did enjoy myself. The only problem I really have with formal events, my only real complaint, is PICTURES. Holy crap, everyone and their mom (literally) brings along their digital camera and has to take a picture of themselves with every single person and their mom (literally) who is at the event.
The first 50 pictures I can live with, but it's the 700 after that that get a little annoying. I still see the flash, 3 hours later. Literally, there is a big white spot in the center of my eyes and that always gives me a migraine. So I have a migraine and all I really remember when it comes down to it from the night is bright lights. How do famous people deal with the paparazzi? I'd punch them in the face all the time. Or carry around a weapon.
So my point is, formal events are okay, but we don't need to treat them like they are the most amazing thing life has to offer and take a picture every single second we are there and with every single person and their mom.
But hey, I did look good. And my wife looked better : )
Ah yes.
My Life
This is the best blog title ever. It just makes you really interested and want to read it...right? Probably not, but that's okay with me.
Due to my new video entitled "Let's Connect", I am hoping to get some readers to this blog. And I thought it would be informative of me to let you guys know what I'm doing these days. I actually want to avoid doing a blog that is all about my personal life on this site, because I already have one of those somewhere else.
But regardless, I have taken the plunge (beginning with the title) and here is the typical "my life" blog.
Back in May, my wife and I moved out to a Bible camp, about 2 1/2 hours away from where we both lived our whole lives. That's not too far away, but it's still been quite an adjustment to not be around everyone we know. This Tuesday, summer camp ends and Lindsay and I officially take over the media program at this camp for a 1-year internship. After the internship, we will have to do some praying to see if we will stay here longer or not.
It's crazy how fast this past summer was all kind-of a blur to me. Some cool stuff happened, but nothing that exciting. I've been running 3 miles per day consistently, I finished reading my Bible (the whole thing), I saw a bunch of people get married, I adjusted to being married myself. It was a good summer overall, and my entire life has been good overall as well.
I'm excited for fall, the fall colors, the dry crisp air, and FOOTBALL! I'm a huge football fan, and growing up in Nebraska I have to be a fan of the Nebraska Cornhuskers or I'll get tarred and feathered. But also, I love the NFL, mostly because of fantasy football, so I'm excited for that.
GO HUSKERS!! (see below)
That's all I have for now.
Due to my new video entitled "Let's Connect", I am hoping to get some readers to this blog. And I thought it would be informative of me to let you guys know what I'm doing these days. I actually want to avoid doing a blog that is all about my personal life on this site, because I already have one of those somewhere else.
But regardless, I have taken the plunge (beginning with the title) and here is the typical "my life" blog.
Back in May, my wife and I moved out to a Bible camp, about 2 1/2 hours away from where we both lived our whole lives. That's not too far away, but it's still been quite an adjustment to not be around everyone we know. This Tuesday, summer camp ends and Lindsay and I officially take over the media program at this camp for a 1-year internship. After the internship, we will have to do some praying to see if we will stay here longer or not.
It's crazy how fast this past summer was all kind-of a blur to me. Some cool stuff happened, but nothing that exciting. I've been running 3 miles per day consistently, I finished reading my Bible (the whole thing), I saw a bunch of people get married, I adjusted to being married myself. It was a good summer overall, and my entire life has been good overall as well.
I'm excited for fall, the fall colors, the dry crisp air, and FOOTBALL! I'm a huge football fan, and growing up in Nebraska I have to be a fan of the Nebraska Cornhuskers or I'll get tarred and feathered. But also, I love the NFL, mostly because of fantasy football, so I'm excited for that.
GO HUSKERS!! (see below)
Lindsay and I are going on vacation to Minneapolis Minnesota next week to visit her sister who lives up there. I love road-tripping, and I love being with my wife, so I know it will be a fun trip. I'll get to see the mall of America and who knows what else. Maybe I'll even make a video for my extras channel while I'm up there.
That's all I have for now.
So there probably exists a post somewhere on the millions of blogs online with the title "Unoriginal," so therefore my point is proven as soon as you read the title. You see, yesterday I came to the conclusion that I am mostly an unoriginal person. Now I don't mean to come off as a depressed loser who writes blogs to let out my emotions, so don't interpret this that way. Hopefully you'll see what I mean in a minute.
As our world has become increasingly digital, many of us have developed a double life in a sense. Yes, we have our real life and then our online life with facebook, youtube, myspace, twitter, blogger, xanga, break, ign, espn, yahoo, and more. Who we are in person and who we are online can be two completely different things (although I try to keep them as close as possible). I had an idea to write a blog yesterday, but I didn't know what about. Then I asked myself "Why do I even have this blog?" I already have had a blog on xanga for years, so why the heck did I start this one? Was I bored or something?
No, the truth is that my friends told me I should get one. And since I'm all about "fitting in" I decided to try it out. From this I realized that the only reason I really have facebook, myspace, xanga, and even youtube is because my friends who are apparently original were on there first. And they said "Hey Bill, you should get a facebook!" And I said "Okay, sure." From there I looked around my house and realized that about half the video games I own are because my friends bought them and I wanted to play with them so I bought the game as well. Then I realized that most of the music I own is because my friends were interested in it first. My clothes...half of them are shirts I borrowed from friends and never returned.
THE WORST PART IS that my friends are very flaky (no offense if you are reading this). They will be interested in one thing and then move onto the next thing like a week later. Here's a few examples- xanga. I got that blog my senior year of high school because all my friends told me too. Three months later, they never checked theirs. Battlefield 2. Over Christmas break a few friends played that a lot and told me it was awesome. I bought it and by the time I had it installed they were all playing Team Fortress 2. Youtube. For most of 2005-2007, my friends from wow4now made videos a lot and put them up on youtube. I got a youtube account just to comment on their videos. Then I started making videos of my own again (I had in like 2003). It was really fun when we were all making videos at the same time. But they seemed to have lost interest. Now I try to make a video at least every month and wow4now hasn't put out a new video for over half a year. And I have a hard time getting them to be excited enough to actually be in videos with me. Bleh.
Now is all of this bad? Not really, its not like my friends are doing crack or something and bringing me along. But it does show me that I am slightly more of a follower than a leader based on my possessions. And the things I really like all by myself, like disc golf, making videos, being married, lecrae, and fantasy football...most of my friends don't really care about, nor can I convince them to care about these things.
So as you can see, I am mostly an unoriginal person, and the things my friends got me interested in they don't really care about anymore (for the most part), and the things I'm interested in my friends don't care about. I'm sure this blog will be just another example on the long list of things I got into because I'm unoriginal only to see my friends abandon it. Oh well.
Slow Internet=bleh
This summer I have had to learn to deal with a very frustrating issue. No, it's not college algebra, too much work at my job, or any of those normal things that can be frustrating for normal people from time to time. No, what I have dealt with in a way that you cannot comprehend is slow internet.
I grew up in the 1990's, you know back when N'Sync was cool and Justin Timberlake didn't think he was a rapper. The 1990's was also when the internet was emerging. When I was in 5th grade, a good friend of mine had it, and when he showed me MSN chat, and I saw that the potential of me getting a girlfriend could increase with the ability to chat with the ladies online...I was hooked.
Of course that theory never panned out. But still, about a year later I finally convinced my dad to get internet. We got dial-up, which was AWESOME because I didn't know any better. A few years later, I started hearing this term "DSL" and "High Speed Internet that doesn't make an annoying 'dialing up and connecting' sound everytime you go online" So I had to check it out. Around that time online gaming was also emerging, namely x-box live.
However, it wasn't until October of the year of our Lord 2006 that the Griepenstroh home upgraded to high-speed internet, and only because I had a job and told my dad I'd pay half the bill. And as you all know, once your eyes are opened to the world of high-speed internet, you can't imagine going back to dial-up. The funny thing is that when I moved out my dad didn't downgrade, he picked up the rest of the bill because he couldn't go back either.
And over the past few years, my life has become more and more online. I realized today that there are at least 6 websites that I am heavily involved with/desire to check regularly. But here at camp, we have the capacity for around 3 people to use it at the same time and have it be speedy. Unfortunately, at any given time during the daytime in the summer we have 20 people using it. If I try to do anything on the internet during the day I might as well give up before I even start because it is going to be as slow as molasses. Right now it is very late at night, which is when I should be asleep, but instead has become my "internet" time. Even now the internet isn't exactly speedy. There has been talk of getting better internet out here, but it is more the providers fault then ours.
For now, my best option is to deal with it. Maybe I could even become a little less dependent of the internet...maybe. So tell me, how much time do you spend on the internet every day? How many websites do you regularly check? Why are we as a culture becoming so dependent on the internet?
I grew up in the 1990's, you know back when N'Sync was cool and Justin Timberlake didn't think he was a rapper. The 1990's was also when the internet was emerging. When I was in 5th grade, a good friend of mine had it, and when he showed me MSN chat, and I saw that the potential of me getting a girlfriend could increase with the ability to chat with the ladies online...I was hooked.
Of course that theory never panned out. But still, about a year later I finally convinced my dad to get internet. We got dial-up, which was AWESOME because I didn't know any better. A few years later, I started hearing this term "DSL" and "High Speed Internet that doesn't make an annoying 'dialing up and connecting' sound everytime you go online" So I had to check it out. Around that time online gaming was also emerging, namely x-box live.
However, it wasn't until October of the year of our Lord 2006 that the Griepenstroh home upgraded to high-speed internet, and only because I had a job and told my dad I'd pay half the bill. And as you all know, once your eyes are opened to the world of high-speed internet, you can't imagine going back to dial-up. The funny thing is that when I moved out my dad didn't downgrade, he picked up the rest of the bill because he couldn't go back either.
And over the past few years, my life has become more and more online. I realized today that there are at least 6 websites that I am heavily involved with/desire to check regularly. But here at camp, we have the capacity for around 3 people to use it at the same time and have it be speedy. Unfortunately, at any given time during the daytime in the summer we have 20 people using it. If I try to do anything on the internet during the day I might as well give up before I even start because it is going to be as slow as molasses. Right now it is very late at night, which is when I should be asleep, but instead has become my "internet" time. Even now the internet isn't exactly speedy. There has been talk of getting better internet out here, but it is more the providers fault then ours.
For now, my best option is to deal with it. Maybe I could even become a little less dependent of the internet...maybe. So tell me, how much time do you spend on the internet every day? How many websites do you regularly check? Why are we as a culture becoming so dependent on the internet?
Under Construction
Hey everyone! So I've had this blog for a while but haven't really used/promoted it much. However, that's all about to change. I am officially going to switch from xanga to blogger today! All my xanga posts are on facebook anyways.
Part of the reason I'm switching is because I'm a sucker for peer pressure and my friend Truman told me to. Besides, no one is on xanga anymore anyways. And just like everything else I do that my friends do, in about two months they will lose interest and then I will be the only one still on here. Just watch it happen.
This has happened with many things, but video games are the best example. "Hey Bill, buy Battlefield II, it's so fun! Everyone's playing it." Two weeks later... "Hey Bill, buy counterstrike, it's sweet!" Two weeks later... "Hey Bill, buy Team Fortress II, it's way better than counterstrike and Battlefield." So then I have all this crap that I used for two weeks and then no one played with me anymore. Probably about half the games I own are because my friends told me they were fun and to buy them and then my friends lost interest shortly after and I was stuck with these stupid games.
Hopefully it isn't the same with this blog. I'll start promoting it through youtube and maybe, just maybe, enough people will read it to motivate me to continue writing on it. For now though, this site is a work in progress, because I need to update the layout and color scheme because in my opinion it looks like crap right now. It's so not billgrip.
Part of the reason I'm switching is because I'm a sucker for peer pressure and my friend Truman told me to. Besides, no one is on xanga anymore anyways. And just like everything else I do that my friends do, in about two months they will lose interest and then I will be the only one still on here. Just watch it happen.
This has happened with many things, but video games are the best example. "Hey Bill, buy Battlefield II, it's so fun! Everyone's playing it." Two weeks later... "Hey Bill, buy counterstrike, it's sweet!" Two weeks later... "Hey Bill, buy Team Fortress II, it's way better than counterstrike and Battlefield." So then I have all this crap that I used for two weeks and then no one played with me anymore. Probably about half the games I own are because my friends told me they were fun and to buy them and then my friends lost interest shortly after and I was stuck with these stupid games.
Hopefully it isn't the same with this blog. I'll start promoting it through youtube and maybe, just maybe, enough people will read it to motivate me to continue writing on it. For now though, this site is a work in progress, because I need to update the layout and color scheme because in my opinion it looks like crap right now. It's so not billgrip.
Spring Time
Ah, I love spring time. Fresh air, green leaves, thunderstorms, and all those wonderful things that aren't cold and horrible begin to occur. Winter in Nebraska is just poopy. Actually, I don't even want to say poopy because I'd rather walk around in poop than walk through winter in Nebraska. But spring and summer in Nebraska I love.
Right now I'm sitting at a coffee shop on my macbook feeling the fresh breeze come in through the door. Could life be any better?
Right now I'm sitting at a coffee shop on my macbook feeling the fresh breeze come in through the door. Could life be any better?
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