Simply put- as long as I'm alive, yes. It's just the frequency at which those videos will be produced that is in question.
Those who know me best know that I'm very passionate about video production. I'm probably more passionate about it now than I ever have been. For the past several years, I've been doing a lot of video production work. At the camp I worked at I made somewhere over 100 videos in 3 years. On the side I regularly film and edit weddings. Now I'm not at camp anymore, and I've been doing work for a video production company in Lincoln- with opportunities to do everything from running a teleprompter to doing editing videos for our state's Hospital Association. I've stayed very busy, and I've grown a lot.
But most people only know of my stuff on the Billgrip youtube channel, which has been almost abandoned for the past year. In the glory years of Billgrip videos, we could post a new video or two every month. Making videos started as something my friends and I did for fun on a Saturday because we could. It was a way we could express our unique sense of humor, and an outlet for our creativity.
But now things are different. I work two and a half jobs. The first is as a part-time salesman at a cell phone company, the second is as a production assistant at a video production company, and last is freelancing gigs. My average work week is anywhere between 45-60 hours when it's all said and done. Then there's my family who I love. I wish that life were the other was the thing you have to squeeze in and family time takes the 45-60 hours. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way for me or anyone I know.
Somewhere in that remaining bit of time I'd also like to workout so I don't look like Jaba the Hutt, and relax so I don't go crazy. Here's a visualization for how my time is divided each week:

That sliver that is the "?" is the time I have left for everything paying bills, video games, and of course- making videos for fun.
Not only is there barely anytime left, but I need more time to make Billgrip videos than ever before. As my knowledge of video production has increased, so has my standard. I don't want to just make funny videos anymore. I want to make videos that are good. I'm not alone in that, many of my friends share this same view with me. We are all busier, and if we are going to spend an entire day making a video, it needs to be worth it. It needs to be good.
To sum it up, my friends and I have less time than ever before to make videos for fun, and we need more time than ever before to make those videos.
That doesn't mean the desire isn't still there. I still love making videos for fun, when I have the time, which just hasn't been there for the last year. Anyways, thanks for reading this. Comments appreciated.
this blog is a prime example. It may lay dormant and unused for a long time, but there could be another post in a couple of years.
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