A lot of you might be able to relate to this problem I have. I love food. Just a little too much. I keep gaining weight, and it makes me so angry that I get fatter yet I look back on my choices for food and it should be no mystery to me why I gain weight. It doesn't help because I work hard in a dining hall to serve guest groups at Maranatha Bible Camp, and we serve them great food that I also get to eat. Plus I always start the day wrong because I cannot make myself diet in the mornings because I wake up so hungry.
Let's look at today for example.
Breakfast: Six peices of French Toast. Cup of french vanilla cappuccino. Remember what I said about no self-control in the mornings? Yeah, I wasn't kidding.
Lunch: Two plates of pasta with mozerella cheese melted on top. Followed by 1 1/2 peices of chocolate cake.
Then I had a mountain dew.
Supper: Two plates of corn, chicken, and rice. Desert- two pieces of ice cream cake.
It seems as though I am rapidly heading downward into the life of the obese. I do exercise...usually I run 3 1/2 miles 3 or 4 times per week. But even so, I love food so much that I still gain weight.
So what is the point of all this? Why would I write this on a public internet blog? Because I know I can do better. I have done better. I was a wrestler once, I know what it is like to be in tip-top shape with 7 percent body fat or less. I want to get back to that. What made me able to succeed in wresting as opposed to now? I had a coach, I had accountability. Therefore, if I could re-create a similar situation somehow, I know I could still do it. The Lord wasn't overly-giving to me in the self-control area, however I do have a natural desire not to let people down.
By writing all of this on a public blog, I am essentially committing myself to doing better with my love of food. I don't know who all will read this, and quite frankly I don't need to know. But I know you did read it, and that is enough. Just to know that by eating crappy food and not exercising I am letting someone down other than myself is hopefully enough to make me change. Because obviously I can deal with letting myself down...I have been for the past few years in this area.
But it's time to put a stop to this before I wake up one day and realize that I'm a big fat guy. Thank you for reading this. I will do better. I won't let you down. I will post again sometime soon and let you know what I am doing differently.
1 comment:
Good Luck. I'm in the same boat.
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