I originally created this blog with the distinct purpose of being a place to write about current videos that I created and to give fans little tid-bits of information about the making of videos and whatever else. Well I wrote a few, and then I stopped because I'm not actually famous enough to have a decent amount of people to read my blogs. At that time, I had a problem relating my significance in life to how famous I was on youtube. Luckily, I snapped out of that stupid mindset. Anyone who is reading this that used to watch my youtube videos has probably noticed that I have slowed down tremendously in my production of them, and this blog is going to fully explain why. To warn you, I write this with passion because this is a very passionate subject for me.
So here's the deal, everyone who makes videos on youtube consistently has a goal in mind, and that goal is to become famous. Even if you don't really think that is the reason you are on youtube, subconsciously it most likely is. It's like an open-mic and its your chance to get up in front of the world and show them why they should love you to death. But what is your definition of love? My definition of love is much different from the world's definition of love. To be famous, especially on youtube, you either have to get lucky or you have to prostitute yourself.
Brett Favre once said "You are only as good as your last pass." Guess what? That concept applies to a much bigger spectrum than football. Singers are only as good as their last album, actors are only as good as their last movie. Basically, as a famous person, your fame is as stable as a bridge made out of twigs on the San Andres Fault. Look at youtube celebrities of old. There are a few that were once top-dog, and now have been replaced by untalented retards like Chris Crocker who cried about Brittany Spears and got on TV for it. Sure, some are talented, but they are only as good as their last pass. The second someone gets discovered that is funnier or has more talent, they will go down.
When I see the way some people on youtube behave, I honestly want to throw up. As I write this, I could literally run into the bathroom and puik up all the contents of my stomach including vital organs. I see it happen again and again where the desire for fame makes a person simply pretend to be friends with people until they get ahead. I know because I have done this myself. People with 100 subscribers talk to people with 100 subscribers and more. People with 10000 subscribers talk to the people at their level and anyone below them isn't worth their time. Rarely do I encounter someone who doesn't think that they are better than people with fewer subscribers. Another thing that makes me sick is how people, as I said, prostitute themselves. They'll use cleavage thumbnails, make videos that create drama, and SPAM SPAM SPAM. They pretend to be friends with someone for the sake of self-promotion. EVERYONE ON YOUTUBE IS SELFISH! EVERYONE WANTS TO BE AT THE TOP! AHHHH! *Bill puiks to himself.
Okay, deep breaths. So...what is it that drives a person to desire fame? The core of it is the need to feel loved. But perhaps it is other things, like having money or the concept of doing something great with your life. Whatever it is, you must realize that being famous will not make you happy. In fact, it will most likely add to the problems that you already have. You won't be fulfilled, and you will want more. It is an empty pursuit. Guess what, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow doesn't exist.
The worst part is, famous people are slaves. They have to perform. They have to be top-notch all the time because, as I said, they are only as good as their last pass. Even with around 1000 subscribers, I felt that pressure sometimes, and it made me so upset. That pressure sucked all of the fun out of making videos for youtube, and now I can't find joy in it anymore no matter how hard I try. The constant pressure to get 5 stars and good comments is ridiculous. And that is just with 1000 subscribers on a stupid website, imagine the really famous people who have paparazzi following them around and if they get a zit on their face it makes the cover of the national enquirer. You still want to be famous?
Now, as a youtuber, you also need to remember your audience. Not to insult my subscribers, but there are a lot of people who are on youtube a lot who can't even spell their own name, let alone a decent comment. They are hungry fools, who simply watch featured videos and the ones that have the most views. It disgusts me how much of a band-wagon mentality there is on youtube. I swear that less than 10 percent are actually on there to find decent videos. They just want to see an overfed cat fall into a tub of water. If I could strangle every person who posts a cat video and shoot the cats in the face that are in the video I would gladly do it in a second. And besides the cat people, perverts exist everywhere on youtube. I have seen comments written to innocent 12 year old girls that would make the devil cringe. These people have no shame, and get on youtube to find videos of chicks making out and who knows what else. It is a very sad thing. The worst part is that youtube actually recognizes and embraces this filthy audience and promotes explicit videos such as Victoria secret ads and porn sites use youtube to spam constantly.
Why would anyone respect the audience that is on youtube? There is also the haters who have never even made a video in their life and go around telling other people that they suck and saying horribly filthy things. But guess what? They can do it behind their computer screen, and these losers probably got picked on in junior high, live in their mom's basement, haven't seen the sun for 8 years, and cry themselves to sleep every night. Sometimes I read hater comments and I just laugh at the stupidity. Honestly, if you are going to insult me, can you please spell some words right? Losers.
YouTube is a stupid website. Now maybe some of you read this and think, "Wow, Bill must be bitter or something." I guarantee you that I am not bitter. The reason I am so frustrated is because I am on the outside looking in, and I see people in the same place I was at before, thinking that they could be famous on youtube. Luckily, I stopped before it got too out of hand. I am a Christian, and I realized that I was trying to find my fulfillment in life by seeking fame, but as a Christian I don't need that at all because I have Jesus Christ. Now if you are a Christian or if you aren't a Christian, I don't really care at the moment, my goal in the blog is to convince you to see youtube for what it really is.
In 100 years, who will remember our names? Maybe direct decendents, but probably no one else. There are 7 billion people in this world, whose names will stand out? Remember, I said 7 billion. Now those who really want to be famous say, "Well hopefully everyone will remember my name." But honestly, who will? Are you going to get your name in the history books by making videos for youtube? YouTubers who desire fame generally try to entertain people. Name for me some entertainers from 100 years ago? You know, the people who wrote colorful stories for national newspapers (that was one form of entertainment then). Can you think of one? NO WAY! In 100 years, will youtube exist? Most likely not, the internet might, but if youtube exists it will be in a much different form. Quit counting on your hard work to get you there, because it is simply your enslavement to the entertainment of people. Don't count on luck either, because then you are simply gambling on your entire life.
Slavery for nothing. Why do we want people to remember our name? It is really a meaningless cause. I will die someday, and so will you. We will all die. When you're dead, I'm pretty sure you aren't going to be down in your grave somehow knowing that people are remembering you or forgetting you. We remember Abe Lincolns name, but what good does it do him? He is dead and can no longer contribute to society. Only when you realize how insignificant you actually are can you ever hope to find significance. We are all simply like a grain of sand on an endless beach. Now unless you have a personally relationship with God who promises us heaven if we trust Him, your life is meaningless. So quit trying to find meaning through fame on youtube.
I like making videos for fun. But I hate trying to live up to a standard when I only find enjoyment in it when it is for fun. The quest for fame changes people and will ultimately depress them when they find out that it is not all that they thought it would be. Don't give up anything for the sake of youtube. It is a stupid website, and will only bring hardships on your life if you make it your life. To those of you who simply exist on youtube for the sake of consuming the content rather than creating it- please be smarter than every other dummy who just watches what everyone else watches. Use the site properly and respect those who are actually creating content.
Man it feels good to write all of that out! Please keep in mind that there are some people on youtube that I have met that I actually like. And there are others that I have been nice to just because I didn't want anyone to think I was a jerk, and that was my bad. In the future I will be more real with people on the site, and if I make videos I will do it on my own time and I will make them however I want, I'm not a slave to my subscribers like so many others.
*if that wasn't enough for you, there is also a different version of my explanation that is shorter on my xanga blog- http://www.xanga.com/billgrip/679758858/my-video-tank-is-empty.html
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