This is a video that we filmed in March and I simply have not had time to work on. I also devoted myself to finishing Never Ever Shake An Adult (which can be viewed by clicking here). I also had to finish up an engagement video for my friend Truman's wedding, which was shown at his wedding in front of 450 guests. That was the largest audience a video of mine has been shown to at once. The reviews so far have been positive. You can check out my professional work by going to my vimeo page. I've created a distinction with vimeo, that I will only put "professional" works there, and the billgripextras channel on youtube will exist soley for absolutely random things that are not deemed worthy of the main Billgrip channel. What do I qualify as a "professional" work? Probably something I'm being paid to do, something that probably isn't comedy. Wedding video is the best example of that.
Back to the main topic of this blog post- I AM FACEBOOK LEGEND. The video is basically a spoof of the movie I AM LEGEND with Will Smith from 2007. We had this idea for a really long time, and it is based on the truth that my friend Micah does not, and will not get a facebook page. Obviously we've taken that idea to the extreme in this video and created a world where everyone is on facebook so much that human life has basically ceased to exist as we know it.
This video is a spoof, not a parody. My friend Brice and I had a heated discussion about the difference between a spoof and a parody, and they are different, as this link makes clear. There Brice, I just link slammed you. We all know that everything on the internet is true, so once you find a link that supports your theory, you have also proven it. A.K.A. link slammed!
The reason I want to make it clear from the beginning that this is a spoof is because, while you'll see some similarities in the root of the idea and even a few scenes, if you actually watched I AM LEGEND followed by I AM FACEBOOK LEGEND you'd probably find yourself saying, "wow, that's way off." I actually refused to let myself watch I AM LEGEND while scripting and filming I AM FACEBOOK LEGEND because I wanted it to be a spoof, and I wanted the pre-conceived notions I had about I AM LEGEND (whether correct or incorrect) to be my starting point for creating the spoof. But I did watch the movie yesterday just to see some editing style and get ideas for background music, and rest assured...this is as spoof as spoof gets.
Maybe you think I'm just giving excuses as to why our short film will be nowhere as good as the original. Let me give you a few more while I'm at it- lack of a multi-million dollar budget, lack of time, lack of people resources, lack of professional actors (with respect to my friends, they do a great job).
Nonetheless, I'm still really excited about it, I think it's going to be super funny, and you should get excited to. I will hopefully have a trailer up within a few weeks and the whole video probably a week after that. Here's a picture to get you excited.
