As many of you know, I am a father. My son, Judah, was born on May 18th. Despite the fact that he is still an infant and really doesn't do too much more than eat, sleep, cry, and poop...I'm loving every minute of it! The wife and I have a family youtube page, and we've posted a couple of videos of Judah if you're interested. Click here to check it out.
Becoming a father has been a big adjustment on a couple of levels. In addition to the fact that there is a tiny human who needs his parents to take care of him constantly, my wife is now a stay at home mom. Before Judah was born, her and I worked together every day doing media for the camp where we work. Now, I am the only media person here...and it's summer time. That means that I don't get to see her as much because there is much more to do at my job.
My job is awesome. I am very blessed to have it. I get to use the gifts that God gave me to serve Him! I'm also learning a lot. In fact, everyday I learn that I knew less than I thought I did the day before. I graduated college with a degree in "video production" and when I started here I thought that would be the main thing I'd be doing. But I was wrong. In fact, video is probably one of my lowest priorities here. My job includes many other responsibilities. I am now very capable in photography, graphic design, print media, marketing, web maintenance, and web design. I even have live television experience now! Basically I am getting to the point where I can do almost anything media. I haven't arrived yet, but I'm definitely a lot closer than I was a year ago.

Work keeps me busy during the day, and my video hobby keeps me busy at night. On the nights where I don't meet with my small group (usually we meet two-three times per week), I have been editing wedding videos. I have not even advertised once, and I have already done 4 weddings and I will be doing a 5th wedding next week. Who knows, maybe this will become a full-time business someday.
And last but not least, my relationship with God, my understanding of God, and my desire to glorify Him have grown immensely. The same thing that I said above regarding life in general also applies to knowing God- the more I learn about God the more I discover that I don't know as much as I thought I did. That is the best part of knowing the Creator- He is infinitely glorious, and once you know about His glory, you know that it is the only thing that is worth pursuing in this life, and that it is the only thing that makes eternity so worth looking forward to.
Thanks for reading. I'll have more time at the end of the summer to post videos and things. In fact, I already have a few edited on my computer and the list of great ideas is growing longer and longer! Peace out!
P.S. I mentioned that I'm improving in the area of's a video I threw together of some pictures I took of fireworks the other night. I hope you enjoy! =]