I grew up with one sibling. She was 5 years younger than me. I don't remember my mom being pregnant, but I do remember the night she was born. It was a horrible thunderstorm and I spent the night at a baby-sitters house. Next thing I know I have a little sister. My parents never asked me to help change her diaper (luckily, ewe gross) or anything like that. And every time I held her she started balling.
Needless to say, I like most fathers to be, feel completely unprepared.First of all, I know nothing about pregnancy. And the more I find out about birth the less I want to know. Children are either afraid of me or mystified by me...nothing in-between. But in-spite of all that, I am more excited for all of this than I can describe, even though it automatically makes me an old guy.
So the first trimester is done, and so far Lindsay and I are blessed to have a baby that is, by all accounts of our doctor, growing normal and completely healthy. I realize my wife will read this, so I hope she won't be offended when I say that the toughest change for me has been some hormonal changes in her. We all know that women are hormonal, but pregnant women...well, look out :) But in all seriousness, it is a change, but not that bad.
There is a mounting list of difficulties she faces and will face beyond the hormonal changes I just mentioned, but you can go to a pregnancy website and read about those if you really want to. And in case you missed the video about all this stuff, here it is. And if you watched it and felt like watching it again, here it is again!