I love food a little too much

A lot of you might be able to relate to this problem I have. I love food. Just a little too much. I keep gaining weight, and it makes me so angry that I get fatter yet I look back on my choices for food and it should be no mystery to me why I gain weight. It doesn't help because I work hard in a dining hall to serve guest groups at Maranatha Bible Camp, and we serve them great food that I also get to eat. Plus I always start the day wrong because I cannot make myself diet in the mornings because I wake up so hungry.

Let's look at today for example.

Breakfast: Six peices of French Toast. Cup of french vanilla cappuccino. Remember what I said about no self-control in the mornings? Yeah, I wasn't kidding.

Lunch: Two plates of pasta with mozerella cheese melted on top. Followed by 1 1/2 peices of chocolate cake.

Then I had a mountain dew.

Supper: Two plates of corn, chicken, and rice. Desert- two pieces of ice cream cake.

It seems as though I am rapidly heading downward into the life of the obese. I do exercise...usually I run 3 1/2 miles 3 or 4 times per week. But even so, I love food so much that I still gain weight.

So what is the point of all this? Why would I write this on a public internet blog? Because I know I can do better. I have done better. I was a wrestler once, I know what it is like to be in tip-top shape with 7 percent body fat or less. I want to get back to that. What made me able to succeed in wresting as opposed to now? I had a coach, I had accountability. Therefore, if I could re-create a similar situation somehow, I know I could still do it. The Lord wasn't overly-giving to me in the self-control area, however I do have a natural desire not to let people down.

By writing all of this on a public blog, I am essentially committing myself to doing better with my love of food. I don't know who all will read this, and quite frankly I don't need to know. But I know you did read it, and that is enough. Just to know that by eating crappy food and not exercising I am letting someone down other than myself is hopefully enough to make me change. Because obviously I can deal with letting myself down...I have been for the past few years in this area.

But it's time to put a stop to this before I wake up one day and realize that I'm a big fat guy. Thank you for reading this. I will do better. I won't let you down. I will post again sometime soon and let you know what I am doing differently.

Sleep Fail.

2:00AM. I've been laying in bed for a long time now, my eyes have been closed...but I still haven't slept. Maybe I'm anxious about something tomorrow. A million things are running through my head. Hopefully I'll fall asleep soon.

3:00AM. Why am I not asleep yet? I hope this isn't one of those sleepless nights. Maybe I should get up and go do something- settle myself down a bit. I have a homework assignment due tomorrow, I'm worried about getting that done. If that's done I'll surely be able to sleep.

4:00AM. Homework is done, I even took a shower. Why is my heart still racing? I had an energy drink today and some Mountain Dew. That was stupid, but I'll crash soon. I just wish my mind would shut-down and shut-up.

5:00AM. I'm angry now. What's worse is I have to go to work in 3 hours! If I only sleep for 3 hours I'll be really tired tomorrow and unable to stay focused at work! Okay, calm down...breathe in breathe out. You can't sleep because you are stressed, that's it. You are just stressing out about work tomorrow. Three hours of sleep is enough. Oh, you're still talking to yourself in your head.

6:00AM. The sun is going to rise soon. This is ridiculous! (punches bed) Focus. Sleep. If I keep my eyes closed and don't move or think I will fall asleep, there's no other option. How do I fall asleep ever? It isn't that hard. I shouldn't have to think about it. The only problem is, I'm still thinking about it.

6:30AM. I give up. I'm going to work early.

9:13AM. I wish I were asleep right now. On a positive note, I'm enjoying some Owl City at the moment.

Temporary insomnia sucks!